Located in Mansfield, AR, we exist to worship God and make him known to others. We gather, grow, give, and go.
- We gather together for worship.
- In our homes (family worship) and at the church (Sunday at 11:00am)
- We grow closer to God and each other through discipleship and fellowship.
- Sunday School (9:45am), Discipleship Classes (Wednesday at 6:30pm), and Mentorships
- We give our time, finances, and gifts (talents) to help our church accomplish all God desires from us.
- Serving on ministry teams, teaching others, giving tithes and offerings, helping those in need (benevolence).
- We go to people outside of our church to tell them about God and show them his love through relationships and service.
Our church strives to obey God and live under his authority. We are autonomous (govern ourselves), but we partner with the Southern Baptist Convention, Arkansas Baptist State Convention, and the Buckner Baptist Association. We value these partnerships as we serve God together and strive to make him known locally and throughout the nations. We believe the Bible is the truth and agree with The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.